Monday, January 2, 2012

Oh, Snap!

After our wonderfully quiet New Years Eve, we rang in the first day of 2012 with a morning of church followed by a quick errand, and then Everly broke her arm. Both bones in her forearm. This girl has "ring in the new year" all wrong.

My brave, sweet girl cried a little, complained a little and kept telling me that it hurt and that she couldn't move it. I immediately went to the worst case scenario (broken!) but then dismissed it because she didn't even really fall - it was more like a slow roll. This is my go-getter who has taken some hard falls skiing, fell of a horse, and has tripped down the stairs a time or two, and always gets up and walks away. A broken arm from a slow roll on a soft play toy couldn't possibly result in injury!

About an hour later when she finally let me look at her arm more closely, I could immediately see that it was deformed. Where there should have been two straight bones, her arm was shaped like a "C" with some disturbing pointy areas where the breaks were. Aaaahh..what?!

Off to the hospital. Thank goodness Auntie Anne was still visiting, so she was a lifesaver and stayed with Parker while I trooped off with Everly. They splinted it for a couple of days so the swelling could go down a little before they can cast it. We now have to see a Children's Orthopedist so he can re-xray her arm and rule out surgery and then cast it (hopefully). And that was the start of a very long 48 hours. This little lady is quite the trooper because I can't imagine how badly her little arm must hurt, and that creates a hefty amount of crankiness. Add to that some sleepless nights with this mama rocking her in the rocking chair, and you've got two tired ladies on your hands. She's also all about mama and needed me to be holding, touching, or rocking her at all times. I love that I can comfort her, but after the whole mess of day one (that doctor visit was NOT fun), and the adrenaline that went with it, I think we're both at the end of our ropes. God bless Jeremy, who can deal with two crying girls at the same time. Or at least give me a hug so I can go back to the girl who will only deal with mama.

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