Sunday, January 15, 2012


A week ago Parks turned five. We celebrated at the cabin, without phone, internet, or other various amenities, so I'm finally wishing him a happy birthday on the one week anniversary.

To my Sweet Parker.
You are a five year old force to be reckoned with. You came into this world with a level of tenacity that was unmatched in this family and you have stayed true to yourself throughout your five young years. You have your own individual thoughts and ideas (and always have!), you are a problem solver, a thinker, and a puzzle extraordinaire. You enjoy a little banter, and a challenge as long as you succeed by the second try. You have a natural talent for skiing, biking, building, and engineering. You are practicing and enjoying drawing and reading. You have no patience for your sister. Your favorite days are spent outside exploring, moving, and collecting. You are happiest when your entire family is together (even your sister). You have witty comments at every turn and arguing with you is hopeless because of your lawyer-like questioning skills. I accuse you of "leading the witness" a lot. You have a zest for life and you try to capture everyone in your sweeping excitement for even the littlest of things. This is going to be a big year full of firsts, and I can't wait to see you move through them. I love you.


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