Monday, January 16, 2012

Filled with friends

We spent time with some play friends both visiting us on Friday morning, and then followed the joyful noise with our dear friends spending the weekend. Parker and Everly were in friend heaven. Parker asked his playdate friends to spend the rest of the day and invited everyone for a sleepover. Sadly, all the moms didn't think 6 kids, 5 and under made for a good sleepover (or maybe that was just me, thinking of hosting). He also offered for everyone to come back for "twenty days".

Thankfully, the sadness of the quick playdate ending was followed by our friends visiting for the weekend with their daughter and new son. Parks and Evie were elated. This little sweetheart, Aveline, is better known in our family as Avalanche. She's been our little Avalanche since she was a couple months old and most of the dolls around our house are named after her. A big surprise to me was that her new little brother, Everson, stole the show. Especially for Parker.

After begging to hold Everson all weekend, and insisting that they could walk around and bounce him if he got fussy, Parker and Everly informed me that they would like a little brother or sister. Um, what now? Then Parker proceeded to "check my stomach" for babies.

"Yup. There's one in there, mom. You're going to have to squeeze to get that baby out. Now, squeeze. Squeeze harder. I SAID SQUEEZE! See? No baby yet. You're not trying hard enough."

I think we've got some background teaching to do about this whole baby thing.

Most of the time with our friends, Gabe and Tirzah, were spent with us trying to pressure them into moving back to Bellingham. We pointed out the unbelievable benefits; The Bagelry! Mount Baker! The City of Subdued Excitement! Safe places for children! No traffic! US! Playdates with US! Wine nights with US while the kids play! US! Then we offered for them to move into our basement. I think they thought we were kidding. We weren't. Hear that, Gabe and Tirzah? We weren't. The moving vans will be there on Friday. I'm giving you a few extra days to tie up loose ends.

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