Saturday, May 18, 2013


These past several weeks have been crazy with business. Between Jeremy's new part-time job, my part-time freelance work, our full-time jobs, our roles as room parents in Parker's classroom, co-op duties in Everly's and spring always brings a sense of frantic with the garden we do for the food bank. And shockingly, all of that seems on the edge of manageable, unless a tiny drop is added to the glass. Then it will spill over. And the past few weeks have been fraught with drips here and running water there. And thus, we packed the car at 7pm on Friday night. After school for the kids and our jobs and me managing teacher appreciation for Parker's class and a few hours in the garden from 3-6pm with my ever-loving and supportive coworkers who came down to lend their hands and hearts at the garden. So, yes. We drove back to the house and madly packed for the weekend in twenty minutes and got out of dodge for some downtime.

Today we woke up to light, misty rain on the water. We ate breakfast and drank coffee and loaded up the little boat by 9am and took off between the islands for Ala Spit. We explored and dug clams and laughed while we built shelters we couldn't use between the downpours and the sun-breaks. We gathered clams to make chowder tomorrow and we ate lunch on the beach as a family. We relaxed and said yes and caught up with one another. It was a perfect day.


  1. I'm so glad you all got this time away! Such fun sneaks into your weekend:)

  2. Right? It was one to treasure!
