Sunday, May 12, 2013


This is my sixth Mother's Day as a mother. And while that seems like it's been such a short time that has zoomed by at lightning speed, it also feels like a journey that has so many million pieces to it, it's hard to comprehend this slow moving, ever changing, magnitude of importance. Mother's Day has meant different things to me over the years - a day to relax, a day to spend in the garden as a family, a day to eek out a little break and quiet, a day to implement something exciting and fun. But this Mother's Day we celebrated with quiet simplicity, doing things we usually do - a normal routine that reinforced the relevance of Mother's Day in every.little.thing.

I woke up to Parker clunking around in the kitchen at 6:30am. He knew Jeremy doesn't get home until after 9am, so he was making me breakfast in bed by himself. He proudly opened the door after 10 minutes and handed me a piece of bread with butter on it, a glass of water and a napkin. Throughout the day he carried my purse for me and opened all of my doors. Oh man, this little guy has stolen my heart. I made breakfast (for them, after I enjoyed my delicious bread and water) and got the kids ready for church, Jer came home and we got to go as a family. We drove down to La Conner to spend the day in the familiar cabin on the water and stopped by my favorite nursery to see the animals on the way down. We played, I read picture books aloud, we ate dinner and we drove home. And throughout the day I reflected on my journey through motherhood. The short time of it, with seemingly long days, moving through the years at lightning speed. I love it.

Parker at 6 months
Parker at 18 months.

Evie in the belly - I'm about 7 1/2 months along here.

 And Everly is about to make her debut!

I lock eyes with my Foreverly.

Ev is 6 weeks old here.

A mighty little girl turns one.

My enchanting girl.

This boy. This boy is amazing.

These are the moments. I wish I could freeze them.

Unending giggles. Parker brings them.

Parker has the biggest heart. Ever.

I love this girl.

I love this boy.


  1. They've really grown in so much haven't they:) I'm blessed to be mama alongside you.

  2. Thank you so much :) And I as well...
