Friday, February 22, 2013

Vacation fun day

Our time in Whistler was amazing. It struck me that skiing with two kids does in fact get easier with each passing year. Everything about the trip this year was perfect - the weather, the snow, the kids, the sleep, the skiing. We cram ourselves into a tiny bedroom and we basically all sleep in one bed together for a week and it seems every other year someone had a cold or was still nursing, or nightmares, or restless sleep, or woke up at 4am every morning. But not this year. No way. This year was our golden year. Perfection with a capitol P.

We skied 5 days this year, but we took off one day so the kids could "rest". Little did we know, we have just been building up their strength and endurance so a day "off" meant running around the village, going iceskating, out for cocoa, down to the new trampoline place, out for rootbeers, on to the bakery, back to the hot-tub, and then saving a little energy for a movie night. Phew. I think skiing might have been easier.

They had a great time iceskating. However, upon placing our feet on the ice, all of us realized that Evie is a natural and the rest of us are a hot mess. Especially Parker, who likes to excel at everything he does. We had some tough moments out there as he looked like a deer on a frozen pond and Jeremy and I did our best to hide our laughter as Evie literally skated past him on one foot. Oh, my. It's not easy to be outshone by your three year old sister. He took it in stride. After an hour. Sort of.

Everly has taken to just plopping down wherever she is when she feels the need to take a quick rest.

And as if all that ease and flair on the ice wasn't enough to show Parker who's boss, she then took to ice dancing. And I captured a tiny bit of it on video...

On to the jumping trampoline place. Where they both got to show off some new moves and Parker tried doing some tricks with a foam snowboard. They got all sweaty. And rejuvenated. How does that work?

 Enjoying some cheeks full 'o rootbeer.

 And then Everly and I snuggled her hands warm on our way back to the condo and Jeremy took this sweet photo of us. And then he managed to capture her reaction when I tried to give her a kiss. Such a snarl!

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