Monday, February 4, 2013

Three. In a row.

We were lucky enough to head up for another weekend of skiing with the grandparents at their cabin. I say lucky, but a lot of work went into it. With Jeremy's work schedule, we have one weekend a month when he's home Saturday morning until Sunday evening - a period of less than 48 hours. However, our devoted guy has put in so many 48 hour shifts for others that we got three blessed weekends together. Three! In a row! So we are We are skiing and going east and skiing some more. We are reveling in our snow-kissed time together and sledding and building snowmen and getting cozy for movie nights. We are living with total glee for our three (three!) weekends IN A ROW!

Parker has been such an amazing skier this year. He skis it all - black diamonds, tree hidden trails, jumps and halfpipes. He has been skiing with Ralphie (the racoon) since he was one. This year Ralphie has stepped it up and has been telling Parker where to turn and how much air to try and get. Ralphie is quite the coach. On Sunday Parker skied nineteen runs in a row, without stopping, and refused to come in for lunch. He waited outside in the snow just long enough for Jeremy to run in for a granola bar for both of them. He is a big fan of skiing. And Ralphie.

 And then there was this girl. Hilarious three year old attitude all weekend, strutting her stuff on skis. All these pictures show her slightly annoyed face. And attitude face. And annoyed with attitude. Except the one where she can't be bothered to stop reading while dad puts on her boots (her idea). She was like a supermodel on skies with a three-year old att.i.tude to prove it. That was Saturday.

 By Saturday afternoon she had shaped up enough to demand a hug from Parker in the snow. And then she demanded a jelly bean "For smiling so awesome! Wait. Let me look at the picture. Yup! I'm awesome!"

 On Sunday afternoon we visited Papa in the aid room before we had to head home. Oh, the fun of pretending you're sick and having Papa listen to your heart and lungs and telling him "I LOVE YOU!" into the radios. Can't beat that.

 We tricked Jeremy into lying down in the snow and Parker jumped on top of him and when there's two in the 'pile, everyone tends to join in.

 I feel so lucky that I get to ski with this guy. We have lovely and personal conversations where he really talks to me on the chair ride. We stare out at this open mountainous wonder and discuss life and hopes and dreams from this amazing perch to the top. And then we ski down and do it again. And again. And again.

Everly found that her favorite spot for lunch was on the counter. With her feet propped up on the napkins. Naturally.

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