Monday, June 25, 2012


We were originally supposed to go hiking this weekend on Snoqualmie Pass, but we cancelled at the last minute because I haven't been feeling quite right lately. When the weather on the pass called for rain and thunderstorms all weekend, we weren't too sorry to have missed it. And you never know when the grass will be greener on the other side, because we had some very precious moments during our last minute weekend at home. On Sunday, all of this happened...

Our dear, sweet neighbors asked if they could bring Parker to the Bellingham United soccer game. Parker is pretty sure he is a professional soccer player, so there was some minor confusion about whether or not he would be able to play WITH them, but he was ELATED to go with them, none the less. We are lucky enough to have these two live next door to us, and add to it quality time with Parker and our cup runneth over. He came home talking a mile a minute of popcorn, skittles, and (of course) a snazzy jersey and matching hat. Jo and Dave are going to be AMAZING grandparents some day, but for now we are blessed to have them practice with us and our kids.

A very joyful Parker after his game with Jo and Dave.

Everly spent some time in the garden while Parks was at the game.

She managed to find a turnip almost as big as her.

We got Parker a new (to him) mountain bike to replace the little one he so quickly outgrew. To say he is thrilled is an understatement. This boy LOVES to ride bikes and the fact that it has two handbreaks and gears - it's sent him over the edge of excitement. The bike is a wee bit too big for him still, but his passion knows no bounds, so the bike stays. And gets ridden. A lot.

 All Parker's bike riding ignited some excitement in Everly too and she's been working on her balance bike. She's getting fast and good. It helps to have our neighbor girl Amelia (whom Everly ADORES) outside riding with her. :)

And then, the icing on the cake: the Archers came to Bellingham for the day and stopped by for an impromptu visit and dinner. We made our dinner double it's size and the kids ran around and had fun and got way too tired and way too cranky and I couldn't stop smiling because Gabe and Tirzah were here. And then I did the usual peer pressuring to just move to Bellingham, already!

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