Sunday, June 10, 2012

Daily Limit

The other day I told Jeremy that it seems that all we do is fish, do art projects, head somewhere *away* with friends...but that's not true. In actuality, we do a lot of vacuuming, making dinner, cleaning up from lunch, carpooling, picking up kids, dropping them off and reinforcing timeouts and rules of our house. I know - super glamorous, right? And a big shock that I don't document those moments too. Maybe someday.

For now, I documented our uh-mazing trip to Jeremy's parent's future retirement home (they try to call it a cabin) down near Shelton on Lake Philips. We had the BEST time there. Just the four of us, unwinding and making the most of the Olympic Peninsula. As usual, I took way too many photos, so I'm dividing this trip into sections to save the onslaught of photos, and because we have a pretty boring week ahead (vacuuming pictures, anyone?).

I'll begin with fishing. The kids adore fishing. They are really into it. Especially down at the lake, where Jeremy can barely get one of their lines in the water before a fish is on. They are constantly either baiting, reeling, netting, or hooking their fish to the dock. These kids barely know what real fishing is. :)

 Jeremy telling Ev the secrets of fishing.

 First catch of the day, and a proud boy.

 Everly gently coaxes in her fish when she reals them in. She talks to them the entire time 
and calls them "Here, fishy, fish. There you go. Keep swimming. I've got you". 
She's also the only child in the family who supports catch and release.

 Parker yelled "WE'VE GOT A FIGHTER!" I have no idea where he heard that.

 Parker declared this one the biggest fish. Typical of fishing tales, I'm not sure that was actually true.

A snuggle break.

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