Sunday, April 1, 2012

Scientifically Proven.

We had a spur of the moment Science Day earlier this weekend. It sounds so much more official when we name it and make it official. I would like to claim that I planned this in advance and had all sorts of hands on activities to further perpetuate their experiences and inquiries, but that's not what actually happened.

It was a rainy weekend day, Jeremy was working an extra 24 hours and my neighbor and I were trying to figure out fun things to do with the kids where we wouldn't be swallowed up by a crowd also trying to escape the rain. Turns out there was a Rock and Gem show (of course! What kid doesn't like to look at cool rocks!) and the saltwater touch tanks were also open. And they're in a covered area. Bingo!

Before we left on our adventures, Parker desperately wanted to trace his body on a big piece of paper and draw his bones in and I high-fived him and announced "Happy Science Day!". I just kept repeating that all day long to make it seem REALLY cool. And now they think Science Day is awesome. Maybe I'll google some more activities on another rainy day and nickname it too and add to my awesomeness with the kids. They're just a little easy to impress.

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