Tuesday, January 5, 2016

She's here!

On the night of August 30th I settled in for a normal night :). I felt a little different around 11:30 but I didn't mention anything because with the other two kiddos I was FAR more progressed for WEEKS before they arrived! I was waiting for some signs...and there had been none.

So, I watched a little TV, read a little, and went to bed. Then at 1:30 I woke up not feeling the greatest, and realized I had clearly been in labor since 11:30! I texted our doula and walked around a little thinking that I didn't really want to wake anyone up. Jeremy called my parents around 2:30 to have them come over right away and our doula had already arrived and we were trying to spin Little Miss around so she could come out the right way. :) I coped and breathed and leaned on Jeremy all way until 5:30...a short three hours. That's when Jer and Jen decided we should head to the hospital. At the time I thought that was a little overkill, but I went. Well, we arrived at 5:45, took 15 minutes to check in and the nurse said I was dilated to 6cm.

Then I walked to the nearest room.
About 30 feet away.
And started pushing.

No joke, in the span of 2 minutes I dilated to a 10 and started pushing. I was actually confused about what was going on because with the other two I was dilated to 8cm weeks before and then my water broke and then I pushed for HOURS. I mean, 6, 7, 8 hours. Imagine my confusion when I was 0cm hours before, then at a 6, then minutes later - complete and pushing! Our doctor ran in 10 minutes later (after running from her house! What a stud!) and told me my water had broken at some point (what?!) and she could see our sweet girl's head. A few more pushes and she was out. I actually said "What is that?" at the very end and she had to tell me "That's your baby". :)

Miss Ireland Mae was born at 6:05 on August 31st weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces and an outstanding 21 inches long. :)

She was perfect.

 Landie Mae. 20 minutes old.

 Around 9:30 her brother and sister came to meet her. The best part was, the hospital staff left us alone and hadn't done any of her weights and measurements and newborn things yet. I got to snuggle her without her leaving my chest for nearly four hours before I gave her up. :)

 It was absolute love at first sight for the two of these big kids. 

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