Sunday, February 12, 2012


Despite Parker's actual birthday occurring nearly 6 weeks ago, we threw a party for him today. He has patiently waited for this party for almost a month and a half because a nearly New Years birthday combined with the business of our family having ski weekends together, pushed out our plans. We forged ahead though, and celebrated in style.

When I asked Parker what kind of party he wanted, he said "Ummm, a superhero party. No, wait. Animals. I love animals. NO! WAIT, CARS! Oooh. I know, a carsanimalsuperhero party." So, that's what we did. Invites went out, the theme was set, and a little planning ensued. I ordered cute wooden cars to decorate and animal masks as favors. Patient Grandma made two (TWO!) batches of adorable cupcakes after the first batch didn't turn out so well. Who knew cars cupcakes were so involved?!

And friends came. Oh, the friends came and they were so precious. They dressed up, just as Parker wished them to. They came as animals, fairies, princesses, and superheros. He met some of them at the door ("Welcome to our house! Welcome to my birthday party! Please come in!"), and he played with everyone. The kids played, and ate and laughed for two hours. Parks opened up presents and thanked everyone after each bag and box was undone and gave them sincere hugs. We ate cupcakes and sang and I marveled at how "easy" this party was - mainly because these kids are all growing up.

I was so proud of Parker and his hosting skills. We have been talking for weeks about how to welcome friends, make sure everyone has someone or something to play with at his party, be thankful and gracious for gifts, and thank everyone for coming. He did such a good job and my heart melted.

All that being said, this morning at church the signs were pointing in a different direction. His Sunday school teacher pulled me aside with tears of laughter in her eyes when we came to get him and told us that Parker had informed her about his party today. She told him that he could come with her and pick out a special birthday pencil out of the treasure box, to which he replied "Um, no thanks. I don't want a pencil. I'm going to get much better stuff at my party today." Oh, I nearly died. And then she said that when she pointed out he might like a fun pencil too, in addition to the much better gifts he informed her that she could come to his party today. And bring a gift. And go to Fred Myer and get him a spy plane. But not a pencil.

You can't win them all!


  1. they were the most sincere hugs:) Loved celebrating with everyone & yes, it was easy (at least on my end), so I'm glad you said it too!

  2. I wish I could "like" a comment. Because I like that. And I super like that you thought it was easy. :)
