Monday, July 15, 2013

I kind of believe them...

Parker's favorite book when he was a baby was a boat book titled On The Water. And in Evie's preschool photo (you know, the one's with the adorable chalkboard where they say what they want to be when they grow up) she said she wants to be a shell finder. Which is very rare. And quite lucrative, I'm sure. She comes from a long line of shell collectors. And rocks. And interesting sticks. And a pressed flower or leaf or two as well.

This weekend we went to The Cabin again while Jeremy worked smack dab in the middle of it. We took the boat out, pulled up (a lot) of crab, wandered the beaches, and dug an amazing system of channels and dams with the natural springs on the beach, just in time for the tides to wash them away. We found shells, crabs, hermit crabs, fish, and eels. We played store and house and family amongst the rocky shore. The kids are at home on these beaches.

And Parker has been saying for a couple of years now that he wants to be a biologist. He studies the shoreline and the water. He has a bazillion books about sharks and whales. And he can spout of facts like nobody's business. Evie has been saying for a year now that she wants to be a diver. A deep sea diver, to be exact. And between her curiosity about sea life and her amazing aquatic skills at swimming lessons, she just may.

I kind of believe them...

1 comment:

  1. all of these pictures are simply perfect, captured the essence.
