Sunday, July 7, 2013


Way back earlier this week, Jeremy worked 72 hours out of 96 hours keeping streets and people safe in, around and on the Fourth of July. The kids and I kicked it at home alone while I wished him home because I grow increasingly terrified, slightly concerned, about all the fireworks and mayhem that accompanies the fourth. So this year whilst Jeremy was away, we headed down to my dear friend Brittney's house to kick it with her family for the day. It was glorious. And I managed to convince the kids that the 10 bottle rockets and the 6 sparklers John happened to have on hand (God bless him), were THE FIREWORKS! Yay! So fun! Isn't this fun? Yes, it is!

We spent the day on their amazing waterslide, eating crab for dinner, and devouring a bottle of champagne (Britt and I. Not the kids. We're pretty sure). A good time was had by all. Then I drove back after 9pm, pulled into Bellingham at 10:30 at the top of our hill that overlooks the city and the bay where Evie screams "There's the city! AT NIGHT! THIS IS SO COOL!!" and Parker grabs my hand and looks at me and sincerely says "Mom. Good job. This is the best day EVER." as huge fireworks exploded all around us. Literally. Like 30 feet from my car. While my kids squished on my lap in the driver's seat and stared in wonderment. I'm still patting myself on the back.

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