Thursday, November 15, 2012

good times.

We celebrated Everly's sweet little friend Tay's birthday this afternoon. These two are a dynamic duo who have built their friendship on like-minded ways such as tenacity, imagination, and their never-ending love of pink and all things girlie. Fine with us, their moms say as we sip our coffee and chat while they play.

Everly was beyond excited for Tay's party today. She woke up asking about it. We began wrapping her present at 8am and the wrapping concluded in three different stages throughout the day. She tried on different outfits and "party clothes" and asked questions about the party with a nervous excitement. It was pretty cute. And a big deal. Because I realized as time crept closer to Party Time, Everly has never been to her very own friend's party. Like any second born, she tags along a lot to her brother's friend's parties with other kids her age. And she has been invited to her friend's parties, but being three there's only really one year of opportunity to have a party she can remember and I think we've been out of town for all of them. Hence, Operation Complete Party Preparation (it lasted all day).

I think her excitement about the event was absolutely fulfilled when the party consisted of all of her friends, making beaded necklaces, a game involving a blindfold and a rainbow cake. And there was Everly the entire time, with an excited grin and eyes wide with wonder. She kept whispering to me "This is a party!".


  1. I had to read it again and that second born thing doting along older sibling is so true. It's like all of a sudden our little girls grew and are letting the world know about their presence.

    PS Veronica said to me, "Since Cadence has all the presents, I'm going to use the wrapping paper to play with & play birthday party." She proceeded to wrap various items in our house. Then, with complete innocence, "Can I use this pretty paper as well?," as she was pointing to the newspaper Evie decided upon for Tay's gift. Classic!

  2. Right?! They're so good-natured. :) And tell Veronica I have plenty more pretty paper, should she need it!
