Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dad's Day.

The best part about Jeremy and I switching off schedules, is that he gets a lot of time with the kids to just be a dad and have fun with them while I'm at work. That means they do "guy stuff", which usually means he does fun stuff that would make me nervous or otherwise. I do a lot of crafts with them, he takes them out to play soccer and it all balances out. On their last day with dad, they went and dropped off the car at the shop downtown and then rode their bikes around the streets and had a good time. Oh, my stars. When Jer told me what they did I realized I would NEVER do that! I'll do a lot of crazy stuff with the kids, but anything involving streetlights, bikes, and one ways and I'm out. They went to rocket donuts (where it looks like they enjoyed themselves).

And a long bike through the city. And they survived. :)

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