Monday, February 18, 2013


We get to join my parents at their condo in Whistler every year in February. Per usual, we get to ski with the kids from open until close, warm up in the hot tub every night, and watch a movie before bed (code for wind the kids down so they can fall asleep in a heap of exhaustion).

We've spent the last three days skiing all day, every day, so I have a bunch of pictures that look like the same photos over and over again, but they're actually over the course of several days on different runs on different mountains. The common denominator is that we're always having a great time.

My highlights so far:

Three year old tiny Everly was reprimanded by the mountain hosts ("Slow down!" they kept yelling) as  she skied WAY to fast down the lower runs. It was well-deserved - she was skiing too fast for the run and took about 20 feet to come to a stop before she called over her shoulder "Sorry!" Ha ha ha ha

Parker made his way into the trees (as usual) and found himself headed off of a seven foot drop. Which he launched himself over. And landed. Be still, my proud mama heart.

The sibling love-fest going on amidst this fun vacation mode. Parker and Everly share every run, every chair ride and love each other so much. Parker snuggles with her at night (so.much.patience) and carries her around the hot-tub for hours. So, so sweet.

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