Saturday, February 9, 2013

Robot Party

Parker loves a party. He loves a gathering of friends, games, decorations - the whole lot of it. But a birthday party for this boy on or around his real birthday in January is a little too much. It's just after the holidays where we've done and experienced and gotten so much. So we delay it. We've always had his birthday party with friends about a month and a half after his real one. There were other 'big things' this year - this is the first year he has invited friends from school, had kids who came dropped off with no parents, and we also had games in addition to a little craft. He loved every minute of it. The seven kids who came were remarkable. Such sweet, well behaved and caring friends. They ran around and played and crafted and ate a snack and sang Happy Birthday. It was a perfect day.

 Grandma, our cake-maker extraordinaire delivered these beautiful robot 
cake-pops to the amazement of the party goers.

 The kids painted ceramic robot piggy banks first and then we baked them to set the glaze paint. They had tons of fun and then we sneaked a few pennies in so they rattled when they left. :)

 We had robot snacks and then ate robot cake-pops and sang Happy Birthday to a boy with a huge smile.

We played robot beanbag toss and pin the battery on the robot before we ate the snacks.

 Parker opened some very thoughtful presents.

 They filled bags with delights from a pull-string pinata.

 Some of the happy group. :)

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