Monday, May 21, 2012

Noodle Behavior

My friend Leah has been asking what noodle behavior is at our house. She overheard a secret convo about it while I was trying to talk to her on the phone and have a private discussion with my kids. It went like this:

me: "That's interesting, Leah. Tell me more about that thing."

Leah: (normal adult talking)

me: "Kids, stop doing that. No, sorry Leah. I'm listening."

me: "Kids, seriously. If I have to ask you again... Leah, I'm sorry. I really am listening"

Leah: (more normal adult talking)

me: (trying to whisper) "Kids! I have asked you to stop pestering each other! Go play separately! I'm listening, Leah!"

*banging and crashing happens in the other room*


Leah: "What's noodle behavior?"

So, we've been earning noodles around our house for anything and everything that could possibly be considered a good thing or great behavior. The kids decorated small jars and when the noodles are filled to the top, they get to choose something great. We wistfully think of our noodle earnings every day. I wish I could take credit for this, but this little gem was the brainchild of my friend Lisa (who also sent Pinky who saved the day with Everly's cast). Lisa might intimidate everyone with her awesomeness.

The kids filled their jars after two months (jars are bigger than they look!) and earned their "prize" smack dab in the middle of the sickness. They chose going to their favorite toy store and buying anything of their liking. Jeremy and I agreed and also put a spending cap on that.  I had to convince Jeremy to let me go with them because I am so.not.well. The whole event took 45 minutes and then I returned for an exhausted nap. And they were so proud of their noodle behavior.

Parker immediately tried to negotiate for more stuff. He was currently negotiating for all the items on the floor, plus the two in Jeremy's hands. He got one.

 Everly played with the dollhouses while Parks debated.

 The happy noodle kids with their winnings.

 Some messing around at the bookstore next door. We picked up Ralph S. Mouse to continue Parker's chapter books at bedtime. :)

 Everly picked out a balloon rocket and Parks picked out a stuffed animal dog. (Named Dingo. Whom I have to feed, bathe and walk while he is gone. Dingo is a lot of work). Everly's rocket was a hit with everyone.

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