Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I've got a fever...

...and the only cure is more cowbell.

No, seriously, I do have a fever. I have yet another ridiculous cold because apparently I'm going for a three-fer this spring. I pride myself on staying healthy. I cannot remember feeling this sick and rundown since I got pneumonia when Everly was two weeks old and Jeremy went back to work doing overnights. Wonderful Grandma took Parks for some one on one fun so that I can limp around after just one. One crazy, moving, energetic, full of life girl. I was exhausted by 9am. I am sometimes astounded that every time I get sick I can't "call in sick" to motherhood. While we get through it somehow (maybe that's the reason I have had 3 rounds of the flu in 7 weeks?) I feel like my only wish from this is that I could somehow go back in time and just tell my former self to appreciate it more. Appreciate that calling in sick! Appreciate sleeping as long as you needed to get well! Appreciate cozying up and watching a Lifetime movie and stuffing kleenex up your nose!  'Cause that doesn't get to happen anymore. However, it's been replaced with a girl who kept asking "How's your fluffy nose?" all day. And a boy who asks right away in the morning "How are you feelin'?" while patting my on the head and waking me out of my slumber. And kids who thought it was the most hysterical thing they'd every seen when they did catch me with the kleenex stuffed.

Midway through the afternoon I broke out the big guns and cleaned this up from last summer so Everly could enjoy this on the deck while I laid by the door and contemplated how exactly to conjure up the energy to make dinner AND put someone besides myself to bed. She had an awesome time.

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