Friday, April 8, 2016

Happy 7th Birthday, Everly!

Sweet, sweet Foreverly. You are a light in our lives. You see every day as a new opportunity to make friends, be a friend, and tame an animal or two. Pink, purple, rainbow and sparkles are a few of your favorite "colors". You believe in fairies and you love to grow flowers. You throw on a skirt over your pants every morning, make sure your hair is all combed and then you head out into the mud to dig and splash and play. You put on safety goggles and chip rocks to find treasure. You learned how to read really well this year and when I come up to check on you late at night I often find you with your light still on, secretly reading. And I can't be mad at you because I did the same thing when I was little! You are an adventurer. You are an incredible little sister AND a big sister wrapped into one package. You are sassy and sweet, the girl next door, and confidence with tenderness.

I love you!

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