Friday, January 4, 2013


My sweet husband honors my wishes and dreams all the time. And then he goes above and beyond. Late one night I showed him a picture of a loft bed and asked him "Hey, could you make this for me?" A week later he had the wood. A week after that it was half done. But then we got sick, the kids got sick, he got sick again, and then Christmas happened. But we turned it into New Years and put it up today and I got to add all of my finishing touches. I wanted it to look like a Dreamy Wonderland for the kids so we strung up lights, broke out my old paper star lantern from high school and added a felted garland. We moved the kitchen underneath, along with all the doll and dress-up stuff. I added pillows and cozy blankets and restocked our collection of books in the basement. Then we did the Big Reveal.

Oh, their faces! They wandered and touched and explored. They asked if it was all for them. Then they started getting things out and moving things in (Parker told me "I have A LOT of great ideas" as he put the gigantic wooden clock inside). They cozied the bed, added a rug to the platform and hung a baby bassinet from the rafters. And then they deemed it complete. They INSISTED they sleep there tonight, but we'll save that for another time. We'll keep this excitement going for a little while.

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