Friday, December 30, 2011

This morning Everly's little feet padded down the hallway and into our room way too early and at 6:20 am I declared that she will need a nap "no matter what". I also had a list of 5 must do things that also needed to happen "no matter what". Twelve hours later and one thing has been accomplished. On the upside, we will have food in the house tomorrow because Jeremy is off doing a mad-dash for groceries. The one thing we accomplished was the only absolutely necessary thing.

This day turned out nothing like I had planned. I didn't get done the few things I needed to and I have a very tired two year old on my hands. However, these unexpected days often bring with them fun, frivolity and a good reminder that life with kids is a little (a lot) uncontrollable. Sometimes it's best to just sit back and let the morning/afternoon/day run it's course.

After playing, frigid winds at the park, a morning play-date that turned into a full day of fun, house clean up, house mess making, dance parties, snacks, lunch, and more snacks, we wrapped up with some play-dough before dinner. Just as I was thinking how adorable and well behaved those two were playing, I overheard their playdough game.

Parks: "Uh, oh Everly. I've got another bad animal for you."

Everly: "Oh no!"

Parks: "Here you go. Here's the naughty cat."

Everly: "Naughty cats get rolled."

Parks: "That's right, Everly. Roll 'em hard."

Nothing like ending a good day with a game of Bad Animals. Roll 'em hard.

1 comment:

  1. just read this cause I was look at back post cause I'm waiting for Jake to come so we can start a movie...and I'll laughed so hard...
    roll 'em hard.
