Tuesday, January 8, 2013


My Lovey Parks,

You are six years old today. SIX! And while I hugged you and high fived you, and sang Happy Birthday to you in various accents this morning and this evening, and I pretended that I couldn't hug you because you'd grown so much overnight, and I laughed and kissed you throughout the day, what I really wanted to say is STOP! Slow down! Kid, this is too much for me. I still remember the night you were born. I remember them handing you to me, my eyes wide with wonder and looking into your even bigger eyes and your man-paw hands and wondering if I could do this. If I could live up to and exceed this gauntlet of parenting you had thrown. And the answer was yes. I absolutely could. And I could revel in each day of it, but now that the days and weeks and years seem to be piling up behind us, I want it all to slow down again. Slow down to those days when hours would pass with me holding you in my arms. When dumping sand into different sized buckets was the entertainment for the day. When I could arrange a snack in a smiley face on your plate and you thought I was your hero because of it (wait, you still like that and you still come to that conclusion because of it). :) You are six years old today. And I want to slow down and savor every minute of it because while things have stayed a lot the same, you are growing and changing and we are the brink of something. Six is big. Big school boy. Big friend maker. Big decision and opinion holder. But, you still let me hold you and rock you. I still play with you in the sand. But now you talk to me and share your hopes and dreams and thoughts about the world while we do so. I love it.

Parker, you are kind and sweet. You are growing in patience and knowledge. You are a leader amongst your friends and you are creative in your thinking. You love to ski, love to read, and love to play games with your family. You are a boy with a huge heart and you have concern for others and a desire to make the world a better place (including buying every homeless person a car and a house - dream big!). You tackle the world with a smile and an easygoing invitation to join you. You are an amazing boy. I love you.

Love, Momma

Oh, and ps. You are HIGHLY into treats right now.

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