Saturday, January 19, 2013


This week we had some sweet moments that arrived when we stopped, slowed down and allowed ourselves to just be late. It became a common theme and they all piled up and made me smile. Little treasures found a amongst a few extra minutes. This week's moments of lateness...

 I arrived home late after work on Monday to two kiddos who still needed dinner and baths and it was already time for bed. Jeremy was at work and usually that timeline sends shivers down my spine, but that night I took a deep breath, threw together some dinner-snack-leftovers and we played paperdolls while we ate and chatted about the day. I put two kids to bed, albeit late, but very content.

 Evie was late to school on Wednesday because of this little get-up. A three year old's interpretation of "Go get ready for school!" And a summer princess fairy arrived back downstairs, totally prepared for thirty degree sunshine. Sweet dad smiled and played princess for awhile before scooping her off to school, a little late and full of smiles.
 And on Thursday we were late to bed because sometimes someone is inspired to learn some chords just so he could sing "If You're Happy and You Know It" for the family. And when someone offers you a private concert in the comfort of your own home, you do what you need to do for that to happen.

And this wasn't late - it was early. Parker proudly leaving school with all of his homemade telescopes from craft time. When dad volunteers at the end of the day on Friday, one gets to walk down the empty hallways just before the bell rings. And that is priceless to a six year old. 

And this morning I felt like I got to sleep late. Parker and I got up as the sun was peaking over the mountain and quietly played legos while I sipped my coffee and knit a few rows. It was sweet and quiet and I felt as refreshed as sleeping in with the stillness and peaceful moments with my oldest.

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