Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Twenty One

Jeremy took the kids to Boxx Berry today to pick strawberries while I was at work (*tear* - I've never missed a seasonal berry picking event before!) and the kids had a fabulous time. They become serious pickers when we give them a berry picking task. I think they're motivated by year-round delicious smoothies. They know they need to put in the time to make them last. :)

The three of them picked twenty one pounds of strawberries today! Not to mention the full basket Everly picked from our own garden this evening. There's no such thing as too many strawberries.

And last night I had a craft night with some friends and we made these little cuties. I was going to stop at two, but then I wanted a little crowd and once I had three I realized the need for a fourth to make our little family. There's also no such thing as too many birds.

1 comment:

  1. we went the same day. Veronica was so determined while Cadence (who that day declared she was Farmer Tay) was better at eating them.
