Monday, February 22, 2016

Love rained down.

Evie decided to join me working at Collide for the morning a few weeks ago. This amazing girl has such a big heart and helpful spirit though, she ended up staying all day and she and I worked hard from 8:30 in the morning until 5:30 at night and not once did she complain! We registered women, filled water, rang timing bells, made lunches, made sure everyone knew where to go, and handed out programs. My absolute favorite part of the day though happened at the very end. My dear friend talked of her story, an world shattering, tear filled story that began and ended with heartbreak and her as a little 11 year old girl on the Valentine's Day trying to put piece her life back together. We followed that story with a song and as women's voices echoed throughout the sanctuary, tissue paper hearts began to fall from the ceiling. In a moment of pure joy, Evie broke away from my side and ran up on the stage and began to dance around, grabbing for all the hearts she could get with a huge smile on her face. I turned to my friend and through tear filled eyes we knew it was as if God gave her little, blonde self her moment as His love literally rained down on her. Love.

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