Monday, September 17, 2012

Blessed are the Mondays.

 Jeremy texted me a picture early in the morning and said "Penny's out! Can't find Penny!" and attached this:

Penny is our gerbil and knowing where gerbils can hide, an empty ball with the lid off on the floor is a little frightening. I start texting Jeremy back to tell him where she hid last time she made a great escape when I get another message from him saying "Bad to worse! Looking for Penny. E cries. This is happening!"

Oh, for the love. I was laughing (and concerned) so hard. I made smoothies with the kids before I headed out and apparently Evie tipped hers a little too far and this happened. But then, it came full circle because Jeremy turned around to get a towel out of the cabinet for Ev and happened to look over at the play kitchen right next to it and saw this:

"No worries. Found Penny. In the kitchen. Evie's in the bath. All is well again." Oh, but sometimes I look at that little series of texts just to make myself laugh again. And again. And again.


  1. this is too big screen comical to be true. I'm glad it happened for my sake as well.

  2. Right?! Every time I look at it I think, there's no way...
